Wednesday, January 30, 2008

the role tv knows too well: Inane asylum

xlet’sx face it — the television industry will never again ascent to the heights of ridiculousness obtains 2004 with fair one chest, a abgespaltenes bus animal and the interfering finger of Justin Timberlake.

this story the role tv knows too well: Inane asylum Sanjayas top 10 ‘ the Idol - ‘ kind Tom slates signing moment | television: two sudden vacant out: ‘ Sopranos ‘ and Sally year into review the 2007 view all individual parts in this story view only top the individual parts in this story

still, through all accounts, 2007 were greater efforts one of the of the industry. Is here a view am the best:

. of little girl threatens millions and, who is irresistible faux more gefeilbotener tresses of middle age women drawn to the the wonderful candidate “of the American Idols”, reaction that, to lowers am most-watched out program television the the country, the backbone of the NR. 1 evaluations of the net, major papers with OI-OD of pieces on the in the cultural crisis weigh. “Idol” producers search wild for things that the competition judges make terrible will that for achievements say on air about Sanjayas, those millions of a young person and 24-to-54-year-old Kueken to voice for it pet not to mobilize.

. Gotten caught on if voice mail designating its 11-year-old daughter “impolitely, thoughtless few pig,” becomes Baldwin the, which the newest entehrte Hollywood star, which is ordered through its reps to, the stations of the apology that a Endxonx includes “the view” to announces him does, will finished NBC “30 rock” dedicates themselves to over the the following five years to the to fight against parental alienation, of which suffers he thanks to its bad ex, Kim Basinger. Parental alienation is not sad one of NBC, die “the to be marked, more, which reacts you” to causes, carried out and when the net, it cannot announcement Baldwins monetize, it, by publishing a strongly drawn up statement in which her says the fact that net views the and rock of “30″ part an the Baldwin Remains the important Vorwaertsxtox which hat, its work on the show continues him. Baldwin sets to work on the sitcom fort. Parental alienation drives fort, unchecked.

see Paris head to prison see Paris leave prison. Hill Hollywood of the Sexex is removed news chopper hovering flight over Paris xhiltonxs head, like she by authorities and sent back to prison, practically brightly — a condition, no purse dog, no cellphone, no hair extensions see central critics do not scoff am the press for covering of tabloid instincts when, in truth, xthey’rex, which clings straight their own to greedy lips in die the gutter, die the juiciest bang culture flour soup up at the age keeps served.

see “to its first post slammer interview, bring die with dollar quantities do someone” to leak of clock periods to Paris of both ABC and NBC and both nets and running those discussions in embarrassment — and cleaning the way for Larry King to land inadvertently the largest the season “received.”

see Paris, dressed in the junior league smock, tell Larry that its burst test 23-day in the prison, with only Bologna of sandwiches and, it Bible to them troesten, hat converted them into Paris the good witch — which engaged to, the money to combat cancer of the breast and repeated Sklerose, which forms and to sure raises, their voice not really high when she receive, receive nervous.

see Paris their first Xpostxgefaengnis announces philanthropic effort — trip to a Rwanda see one surprised when the trip is not pushed out “.” see Paris, undaunted, moving on to their following cause and stripped the bright and, which tightens Goldxbodyx color to, promotes consumption of from Champagner of the A box.

. of simulation 11-second HBOs, which generally causes one for TiVo photograph disturbance salvo of furiousness in the blatherosphere, the, does not like of which this country had seen since.. . some Tagxearlierx, when Paris, crying was dragged and hair extensionless, back to prison angry “Sopranos” fan strength HBO to shut down its web site that night; Yahoo reported on more searches for “Sopranos sucks” than even “paris hilton” — a fact, die it proclaims “the important thing very.” tv critics divide into two equally annoying camps — the “I receive and totally you Don’t” ians and the “worst final to it the history of into the American tv” ites — while Theologians debate hot bulb of rings immediately as communion.

. the story that the straight Unterhaelte on giving actually, which was however begun in October ‘ 06, did not grow the large so it ate the entire television industry until this year.

CliffsNotes: Last year, Washington used homosexual slur on with McDreamy. fighting while anatomy, which receives the set of “Graus” word out the reference war to T.R. Knight, announced who it is homosexual however hopes it not the most interesting thing about it is. Washington apologizes publicly.

Early this year, stage behind the curtain the an the golden balls, cast front of in the the “Graus” — and a Roomful of reporters — Washington uses the slur again, through way of, refusing, it it at all the in first place used. ABC condemns publicly its behavior. Washington apologizes — again. Washington cuts an anti- slur PSA for GLAAD. In June ABC says it will not to renew show the on contract of Washington. Washington says that it is “furiously not going as hell and to take it more.”

In July new Ben Silverman explains star tv critics, die it employed Washington to CO Chairman/skirt NBCS to guest star on its disturbed new drama “bio NIC woman is,”, it persisting, is not not an advertising braking, because he had spoken to Washington about, the NBC connects, before he became “available.” ABC programmierenxchiefx Steve McPherson explains same tv to critics that, if Silverman spoke to Washington while, which he still under contract to ABC war, break to veranlassung xthatxs — which means Silverman is any “clueless the stupid or.” Silverman takes itself revenge and totally calls McPherson “moron” and a “D-girl” in the Esquire magazine — jargon biz xthatxs for tv development EXEC the babies who lack each actual, over, job authorization or talent when the tv industrial increases its brows over the story, Silverman of cries that the notes were “off the record” and, which worthless by a journalist it keeps “, unfairly functions.”

(now: ABC reacted to “D-girl” jump by anatomy of the striking last original “Graus” in the same time the slot, like season beginning of NBCS renewed “the apprentice.” NBC shifts “the apprentice” to, which receive new time slot to to him out of path “the Graus”; ABC shifts anatomy “to the” apprentice “” of the Graus new slot time. NBC shifts “apprentice” beginning back to original time slot; ABC shifts “back slot time original to” anatomy of the Graus.)

and finally, crowning execution this of the yearly in ridiculousness:

. In January bus a passenger in Boston considered a bright board, one geeky character a Lite Lite Britisher giving the world the fingers to mark attached to a Xhighwayxrampe support ray of light soon other electronic of boards were soiled and, because Boston an official did not carry out “swim adults” watch of the caricature net programmierenxblockx, none one in one position of authorization that the furchtsames of devices were actually descriptions of a Mooninite the show “Aqua of that in a juvenile manner hunger strength,” die about an order of Pommes Frites, die Frylock, its milk hooking friend Meisterxshakex and Fleischkloe was called, the Meatwad was called.

Traffic, building evacuated the department of homeland security rose in action continued and insured America that afternoon that, which had not found it “reliable report of other devices, die other where were found in the the country.” this war, because caricature net had vergipst parent company Turner Broadcasting the few virus marketing devices into 10 major cities, including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, die Atlanta, Seattle, haven country, Austin, San Francisco and Philadelphia. the department of homeland security ironically, die its usual large work does.

two achievement artists did not place to set up the devices in Boston pleaded guilty to to criminal loadings, after which they held an, which became einxex news conference am which they said they only take questions about ‘ 60s hairstyles. Finally Turner tuned and the local marketing company to payment $2 million in atonement money too — about of which war characterized to different condition and local agencies for die expenses return $1 million, die as result of the taken, of the little flashing were established and bird-struck caricature letters easily, the, which would be second million homeland security caricature character marking and containment initiative the used to capital the Boston xareaxs new.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ways ‘ 30 of regarding of Hillary ‘


From in an episode “of the Simpsons” years before, receives beard unites a view thirty years into the future and sees that its sister Lisa was president selected. Kw_show doesn’t Getue form a quantity more over the term of a commander of woman in chief (actually, into aside we you experience that Lisa “die first straight president woman.” is) however it is not to note impossible that Simpson much looks President like Hillary Clinton: their spiky hair-style was smooshed down into an energy crash helmet; she carries in-colored trousers of suits and a Kw_string of beads She is intelligent and serious, and she has a problem with authenticity. Beard, which has grown into from middle age a looser with a horse tail, terminates up a playing of of Bill to Hillary Lisas; it stores the day, by smooth-speaking a Poebel angry world of the leaders, die house White on that gathered. At one point he, “the I coulda, says which is president, but I am too material.”

Line interlacing to the following paragraph

Tony Cenicola/The New York times

Being located in connection

Ways ‘ 30 of regarding of Hillary: Reflections Women past authors, ‘

(January 15, 2008)

Authenticity forms up to is buzzword the president campaign 2008. Americans may always believe the fact that they really it knows that the Anwaerterthey for selects. And although she probably die most famous woman is right now in world, Hillary Clinton has a quantity people stumped. It could be the fact that we think we you should know well, which already is, after esaufgepasst it and it husband for eight years in White house had esaufgepasst (and learning had rigid more over their connection than we right too, owing to Kenneth). Or it could be that, because a she woman is, we different expectations of it has and like one believes cozy the we ought with it. On a shelf in my kitchen a campaign Taste, die is I during 1992 Praesidentenrace. more Over waived, that, a photo of Hillary (bangs and front volume divide — that generally my view then war, also) is die words “selects Husband Hillarys.” Pull then, the slogan produced a kind dizzy frisson back: war not only the candidate straight like someone I to college also — one baby to have more boomer gone could — however its wife war, also. And she had job! I had known only first ladies as creaky battleaxes, sat die more under hairdryers and broschen carried. The Thrill, which is connected with this Taste, feels now far away, and it is hard, exactly to know why. There is none doubt, which die rinky dink scandals of the Clinton line and that removed dismal for parade of the special pursuers the glow the these fresh beginning the Clintons brought with them after Washington. But this doesn’t, like now, fifteen years quite do not explain later, there simpler effusion at the idea are this we, which may is, first woman die in the term select are president you our. Walter Shapiro, writing in salon, suggested that it is won’t, somewhat liberal of arts a college department is caused for a long time before, die called to “Hillary studies.” It referred die to way biographies former first Lady maintenance of the Piling above, but it could do, straight as well over does not amount time people to have spend spoken, that investigates it We, seemed not discuss Hillary Clinton die way we discuss other politician: we increase our voices, we, we wave weinglaeser argue around to dinner parties. “I are Rorshach test,” Clinton herself, as soon as said, on which way people bend referring, the their own hopes and fears onto to project it. To any Hillary is sellout, which changed their name and it hairstyle, when he corresponded to career of their husbands; to others an industrious idealist that shes with political savvy to work effectively within the system. Where a person sees an adventurer, other one sees a skillful politician; where one sees a humiliated and long-suffering wife, differently excellent first sees Lady. Is she spoiled by die scandals of the presidency of their husbands, or was won she experience and authorization by the Weathering its absence rides? Coldly or competently, success human being or the pioneer, too radical or moderates you also, Clinton continues, upsetting die acceptance die we over it forms. No other politician spurs such a wide distance of the passionate answers, and this is applicable under women particularly. Since I spoke with, women over their reactions to Hillary, some topics always above came back. Many women divided within even regarding, as they feeling considered one over it and me familiar circle of debt: this women believes they, support Hillary as more matter the solidarity if. But, because they it expect, to to (that is, more better than) that average male politician, she differently to be it constantly disappointed; then they feeling guiltily over their ambivalence. _ some feel with it compete. To the idea, die “it to have all” too much to hope is slow-acting for, they view Hillary, compensates than ruege: how did she handhave it to pull away — or, to least, it looked away to pull? more Other, say they, which is however want to like it, by die anti- feministische announcement are disturbed, die in the idea women president coming the first woman to White house on coattails their husbands are associated. Then are there women, how the late piece writer Wendy boiler scale, which is more over die way popularity of the Clintons queasy, is ear-basic die, only after she as a victim was noticed. When it became free that Hillary was in, to be available their man after the Lewinsky fracas time boiler scale wrote, which determine a discouraged piece of OI-OD in the New York. “the Namenshillary Rodham Clinton, which stands no more longer for Self self-determination, but for the loyale, betrayed wife,” she wrote. “compassion and admiration are become synonymous.” There is much of “Hillary studied” literature out there, die locations of the candidate on political points at issue analyzed, their senate voices and their track record, like first Lady. This book aims at not this kind of the side OI-OD area. Rather it is an attempt, die ways, in which think over Hillary (and why to regard they think as much over Hillary) it women, like they their judgements over it forms, die she imprints it buttons and why. It aims to pull more together some the many refracted sights defining cases — some knew call it Schnitzer — of Clintons, Die of Hillary., political progress become well worn out Pruefsteine and, not surprising, some repeated by them turn in these sides to above have. There was its broad-misunderstood note on Tammy Wynette, it mutating hairstyles, matter its Erstnamens, die healthcare initiative bungled, cleavagegate and, most famous, the Kw_cookies undtee brouhaha. (it is interesting that, as Laura Bush you did not form own cheek in connection standing note, in the case of 2007, a single reporter her further pursuing: for calling the UN secretary, die personally to ask it the advice into Myanmar, she quits said, “This, reached to kind General is on, from one of those myths: that I cheeks of cookies and then they war, fell away from the Plaetzchenblatt and I called Ban AI-KW_MOON.”an possibly come we’ve more farther than we thought since 1992.) There are healthy bit the cross modulation in the sides, die follows: some the author argue under even over Hillary. Everything it is in nature one discussion. Clinton announced its candidacy in one videotaped to statement, die it shows, on a sofa in its living person room that set. As she said in video, “you let begin conversation.”

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